Thursday, March 31, 2011
March 31, 2011
Its currently about 12:30 and my predictions for today were on and off. The temperature did stay about the same and we did get increasing clouds with no precipitation yet, however I was wrong in my wind direction. Right now its 43 degrees but feels more like 40, with an overcast sky, and winds have shifted to the southeast at 6 mph where I thought that they'd stay to the northeast but the winds shifted because of the clockwise pattern that high pressure systems have and a high pressure system justed passed. Barometric pressure fell a little from yesterday and now sits at 1029.7 and is falling slowly and the dew point is 15 degrees. When looking at the current surface maps, I notice 2 stationary fronts that appear almost parrallel coming from the west, which seems odd, however the one that's currently in the Dakotas I believe will bring the rain and or snow that I thought would be coming. So, for tomorrow, I predict again little temperature change with the same cloud cover and winds to shift back to the northeast because of the low pressure part of this stationary front. I also expect this front to bring some precipitation as well.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
March 30 2011
Its currently about 6:30 and it has been very nice all day. My prediction from tomorrow was pretty accurate with temperature and cloud cover however wrong in wind direction and we never got any precipitation either. When I woke up this morning it was cold with frost on the ground because of the two opposite air masses converging. Like it has been all day, temperatures are still in the low 40s with no cloud cover. As I mentioned earlier we never got any precipitation all day as well. Winds are coming out of the northwest at a slight 3 mph because of the low pressure system that is coming. Barometric pressure has dropped slightly since yesterday, but not by much, and is now at 1030. Look for this to drop tomorrow because of the low pressure system. My prediction for tomorrow is another day like today with more cloud cover and same amount of wind in the same direction. Since it's clear again, I expect a clear night meaning a very cold morning again. I don't think that we'll see any precipitation yet however it's possible with this stationary front coming in from the west that looks like it may bring a drizzle.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
March 29, 2011
Its currently just after 1pm and my prediction for today was a little off. I was right in the little temperature change and no precipitation however I thought winds were going to shift to the west and I thought that there would be more cloud cover. Current weather conditions are the temperature is at 34 degrees with very few clouds in the sky which appear to be altocirrus. Winds have shifted to the northeast although it's a very light breeze at 3 mph due to the high pressure system that just passed through. Barometric pressure is about the same at 1030.3 and steady and the dew point is -1 degrees. There isn't very much water vapor in the air but there is some coming in from the northwest. The stationary front that is approaching looks like we are going to get some warmer weather coming up but may also bring some snow tonight. For tomorrow I predict warmer temperatures with no clouds and again very little wind coming from the northeast. I think it's going to snow tonight but not very much.
Monday, March 28, 2011
March 28, 2001
I haven't been able to do any weather blogs for the last week due to being in South Padre, Texas for 8 days, where the weather couldn't have been anymore opposite than what I noticed here. Its currently about 12:30 pm and the temperature is a chilly 31 degrees with 0% cloud cover. According to the Unisys surface map, there are no winds here however, I felt a slight breeze coming from the Northeast at what I would call about 5 mph. Barometric pressure is 1030.3 and relative humidity is 19%. When looking at the current surface map from, I notice a large stationary front coming in from the Montana, Colorado, Wyoming region that is pushing some rain or snow our way. The front I think is still too far west to bring this weather tomorrow, but I'll be looking for it in the next few days. For tomorrow, I predict little temperature change and more cloud cover with winds shifting to the west more because of the low pressure coming in. I don't think that we'll see any precipitation today or tomorrow, but look for it in the next couple of days.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
March 17, 2011
Its currently about 3:30 and again another nice day. The was overcast earlier with stratus clouds however have now broken up and the sun is starting to shine. I thought we were going to get some rain but that never happened. Its currently 48 degrees and there is a 9 mph wind coming straight from the west. Barometric pressure is 1029.6 and relative humidity is 73 degrees so I think that we'll see some rain sometime soon. There is currently a huge stationary front which is mostly a cold front approaching that will soon bring in a cold air mass. There looks like some rain coming behind this front as well so the rain I think will be coming. So for tomorrow, I predict a cloudy day and windy with some rain and colder temperatures.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
March 16, 2011
My prediction for today was pretty accurate although the rain came sooner than what I expected. When I woke up this morning it was pretty chilly out with a lot of frost built up on my car and according to the Unisys current surface map, it was foggy, but that must have been earlier. Its just after 11am and the temperature is 40 degrees but feels more like 38 according to the Phillips weather station. There is relatively no cloud cover, however there are some cirrus clouds way up high. There is no wind as well. Relative humidity is 75% and the dew point is 33 degrees so we may be getting more rain. Barometric pressure has continued to fall and is now at 1029.9 and still falling. There is a stationary front moving in which looks like it's going to bring in some warm temperatures due to the warm part of the front. This front appears like it's going to bring some more showers as well. For tomorrow, I predict about the same temperatures and increasing clouds that may bring some rain. Look for the winds to shift to the south because of the low pressure system.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
March 15, 2011
From my blog yesterday, I predicted correctly that there wasn't any precipitation and temperatures warmed up a little bit with the increasing cloud cover. Winds also did shift to the southwest. Its now currently just after 1 pm and the temperature is 39 degrees outside with about 70% cloud cover with what seems to be stratus clouds. Winds are coming from the southwest at 7 mph. Barometric pressure fell to 1030 and is still falling and should continue to fall due to the low pressure system moving in from the Dakotas. This low pressure system looks like it's going to bring in some rain showers as well. For tomorrow, I predict warmer temperatures and some rain because of the low pressure system moving in and winds to pick up from the southwest again.
Monday, March 14, 2011
March 14, 2011
Its currently just after noon and it's pretty nice outside. The temperature is 36 degrees although feels more like 30 with 0% cloud cover. A gentle breeze is coming fromt he south at 3 mph. The barometric pressure has risen to 1030.3 however is falling slowly. The dew point is 21 degrees and the relative humidity is 56% so I don't think there will be any precipitation coming. There is a stationary front coming in from the west which will hopefully bring in some warmer temperatures and perhaps some snow showers soon. For tomorrow, I predict warmer temperatures with increasing cloud cover and no precipitaion. Look for winds to shift to the southwest due to the high pressure system coming in.
Friday, March 11, 2011
March 11, 2011
The first thing I noticed this morning was that it was foggy outside due to the temeperature change overnight. It was pretty cold this morning. Its currently 11:30 and 32 degrees although it feels more like 27. There is hardly any cloud cover as well. There is a current 13 mph wind coming from the southeast, hopefully which will bring in some warm gulf air. The barometric pressure is at 1029.9 and falling rapidly due to the low pressure warm front coming in from the Dakotas. The dew point is 21 degrees and with this incoming low pressure warm front I think that it could bring our first rain of the year. My prediction for tomorrow is a warm day with increasing sunshine and a chance of precipitation.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
March 10, 2011
Its currently about 11:30 am and like I predicted yesterday, it's very nice outside with plenty of sunshine with no cloud cover and there's no snow and the winds have shifted to the northwest. It's currently 34 degrees outside with as I said before no cloud cover. Winds have shifted to the northwest as I thought they would, coming in at 12 mph. Current barometric pressure is 1030.2 and probably going to rise with the high pressure systems coming in. Relative humidity is 54% and the dew point is 19 degrees so it doesn't look like we're going to get any precipitation. For tomorrow, my prediction is that it's going to be a lot like today, being sunny and warm with no precipitation.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
March 9, 2011
Like I predicted, it snowed today(because of that northeast wind) and is still snowing with more expected, and I was also right in thinking that the temperature would stay about the same. Its about 2 pm and the current temperature is 34 degrees but feels more like 26 degrees with the sky looking overcast. Winds are coming out of the north now at 9 mph. The dew point is 30 degrees so I expect snow to continue falling through the night. The barometric pressure is 1029.9 and slowly rising probably due to the number of high pressure systems moving through. When looking at the current weather map, I notice another stationary front coming in from the west which will bring in some cool air until it passes through then I predict some warm weather again. For tomorrow, I predict a sunny but cooler day with no precipitation and winds to shift to the northwest due to that high pressure system.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
March 8, 2011
Well my predictions for today couldn't have been much more off, we ended up getting hardly any precipitation, its sunny and not very windy, opposite of what I thought. Its just after 1 pm now and according to, its a nice 37 degrees out and the sun is shining. I'd say that there's about 50% cloud cover with what looks like altocumulus or stratocumulus clouds. There is also about a 7 mph wind coming from the northeast, which is a good indicator that snow may be on the way along with cooler temperatures and more wind. The dew point is at 27 degrees as well. When looking at the current weather map on, you can notice a stationary front bringing in some light snow flurries from the west, so my prediction for tomorrow is little temperature change and more windy and some snow flurries due to that northeast wind.
Monday, March 7, 2011
March 7, 2011
It's currently 24 degrees according to the Phillips weather station however, feels more like 16 degrees here at 12:20 pm. The sky seems to be overcast with no sun shining. I was right about the precipitation coming and winds shifting to the northwest, however I was a little off on the temperature prediction. There is currently a 10 mph wind coming from the NNW and the dew point is 16.7 degrees with a relative humidity of 72%, meaning that there is a good chance of snow again and according to, we are expected to get 4 or more inches. Barometric pressure is again around 1030.3 and rising so this is a good sign of cooler temperatures and there is also a stationary front that is passing through. The low pressure warm front is just about passed and now a cold front is moving in. Due to the amount of water vapor in the air and the front coming in from the west, I expect a temperature drop and snow to be on the way with another cloudy day.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
March 5, 2011
Its currently about noon and temperatures are 25 degrees but really feel like 19. There's a 9 mph wind coming in from the north probably due to the high pressure system forming up in Canada. As for cloud cover today it seems to be overcast with little sun shining. Barometric pressure has rose from the last blog and is now at 1030.5 and the dew point is 17 degrees so I'd say there's a pretty good chance of snow in the next 12 to 24 hours. For tomorrow, I see the temperatures being pretty much the same with increasing sunlight and winds to shift to the northwest because of the front thats coming in. I think its going to precipitate some as well.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
March 3, 2011
Its currently just after 1 pm and as I predicted the temperatures have dropped some, the winds shifted although in a different direction from what I thought and it snowed, which I didn't predict but the snow has stopped now. The temperature is 25 degrees but feels more like 18 and there's a 6 mph wind coming from the southeast. The cloud cover seems to be overcast as there's no sun shining at all. The dew point is 22 degrees so precipitation may happen again in the next 12 to 24 hours. Barometric pressure is 1030.4 but falling rapidly so hopefully thats a good indicator temperatures are going to rise soon. My prediction for tomorrow is warmer temperatures with a chance of flurries and cloudy again, I think winds are going to shift to the southwest as well due to the stationary front coming in from that direction.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
March 2, 2011
Its almost 1 pm and as I predicted yesterday, the temperatures have dropped, the winds have shifted to the northwest due to the cold front coming in that way and there wasn't any precipitation. The temperature is currently 10 degrees however feels more like 4 and winds are coming in from the northwest at about 4 mph. It's mostly sunny outside with the only clouds being cirocumulus clouds. The barometric pressure has rose to 1030.6 and is steady due to the high pressure system remaining in the midwest. The dew point is -9 degrees so precipitation appears unlikely. My forecast for tomorrow, is warmer temperatures with increasing cloud cover and no precipitation and winds again coming from west due to the front coming in from the west.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
March 1, 2011
Its currently about 2 pm and temperatures are again pretty nice. The sun is shining bright due to the lack of cloud cover, the only clouds I see appear to be stratus. The temperature is 37 degrees but feels more like 32 and colder yet due to the 15 mph wind coming from the southwest. The dew point is 22 degrees so precipitation is unlikely. The barometric pressure is the same as yesterday at 1030 but I'd guess it's going to rise because of the high pressure systems across the country. There is also a cold front coming in so temperatures for tomorrow I see being pretty chilly. My forecast for tomorrow is for winds to shift to the northwest because that's where the cold front is coming from and this cold front is going to bring in cold temperatures and no precipitation.
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