Monday, February 28, 2011
Feb 28, 2011
Its about 2 pm and the temperature is 20 degrees although it feels more like 13 degrees. There is a slight breeze coming from the southwest but not even coming in at 5 mph. The dew point is 5 degrees so I don't see us getting any precipitation today or tonight. The barometric pressure is pretty high due to a high pressure system just to our west, the pressure is currently 1030 and steady. There is 0% cloud cover as the sun is shining bright as well. As for tomorrow, I predict a warmer day with a lot of sun and no precipiation.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Feb 25, 2011
Its currently just after 1 and pretty chilly like I predicted. Its 13 degrees but feels colder probably because of the lack of cloud cover. There's a slight breeze coming from the west at 5 mph. The dew point is 1 degree so precipitation is likely in the next 24 hours. Barometric is about the same as yesterday at 1030. For my prediction tomorrow is cold again with some snow flurries.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Feb 24, 2011
Its 3:30 and pretty warm outside. The temperature is 30 degrees and it's not as sunny as it was earlier since the cloud cover has increased with more stratus clouds. There's a 9 mph wind coming from the northwest as well. The dew point is 15 degrees so I don't think we're going to get any precipitation today. The barometric pressure is 1030 and falling slowly also. For tomorrow, I predict a cloudy and chilly day due to the high pressure cold front approaching.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Feb 23, 2011
Its currently 12:30 and it feels pretty good outside. The temperature is 31 degrees although it feels a little bit cooler. The sun isn't shining as much anymore as it was earlier due to the clouds that have moved in that look like cumulus or stratocumulus clouds. There is a 13 mph wind coming from the southeast which is making it more chilly out as well. The relative humidity is 69% and the dew point is 22 degrees so there is a slight chance that we get some precipitation in the next 24 hours. The barometric pressure is 1030 and falling rapidly however there seems to be another high pressure cold front coming in so my prediction for tomorrow is a sunny day but cooler temperatures and windy with some chance of precipitation.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Feb 22, 2011
Its currently about 1:30 pm and pretty warm outside. The temperature is 26 degrees and the sun is shining bright. There is very little cloud cover but the clouds that are out seem to be stratocumulus. There is a 7 mph wind coming from the southwest and the dew point is 14 degrees, so there isn't much chance of precipitation. The barometric pressure is 1030.2 and steady and the relative humidity is 61%. For tomorrow, I predict a warmer day with more cloud cover and no precipitation and not very much wind.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Feb 21, 2011
It's currently 6:30 and it is still snowing outside. The temperature is 18 degrees although it feels like 7.9 degrees. There is 100% cloud cover so it won't get too cold tonight. There is currently a 10 mph wind coming from the NE and that looks about the same for the entire state. The barometric pressure is 1030 and rising slowly so it looks like we're going to still have some cold days ahead. Due to the fact that this low pressure system has seemed to pass now, I predict tomorrow to be sunny but chilly with no snow and little wind.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Feb 20, 2011
Its currently about 7:20 and still snowing hard like it has all day. We're currently in a winter storm warning until tomorrow as well. So far I'd say its snowed 6 or more inches. Its 25 degrees out so its not really that cold however the strong28 mph wind coming from the northeast makes it colder. There is 100% cloud cover and the dew point is 21 degrees so it will probably keep snowing into tomorrow. Barometric pressure is 1028.7. For tomorrow, I predict a cloudy snowy day with moderate temperatures and a lot of wind.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Feb 18, 2011
Its currently about 1 pm and very sunny but pretty cold outside. There is 0% cloud cover which is a good indicator that its cold outside. The temperature is 26 degrees but feels like 14. There's a pretty strong wind coming out of the WNW at about 17 mph. The barometric pressure is 1030.9 and rising so the cold will probably keep coming in the next few days. I the dew point is 10.9 degrees so we may see some snow as well tomorrow. For tomorrow, I predict cold temperatures wind a lot of wind and some snow flurries possible.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Feb 17, 2011
Its currently about 1:30 pm and very foggy outside meaning the sky is completely obsurred. Temperatures are still nice sitting at 46 degrees right now. According to our Phillips station the relative humidity is 100% and our temperature equals our dewpoint which is why it's so moist out and sort of misting. There's a slight breeze coming out of the southeast at about 5 mph. The barometric pressure is 1029.3 and falling rapidly which again is an indicator that we may see some more precipitation. When looking at the current weather map on, you can see most of Wisconsin is foggy and there's 2 different fronts coming over us. The one we're getting now is a low pressure stationary front as is the one that seems to be approaching. The warm part seems to be passing followed by the cold section of the front. So for tomorrow, I'm predicting a colder day with more sun shining and some rain.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Feb 16, 2011
Its currently 2 pm and a beautiful day. Its 50 degrees out with the sun shining brightly. Unisys shows that there is 0% cloud cover, while other parts of the state to the east had haze and fog today, and a slight breeze coming from the southwest. There isn't much going on today as far as pressure systems however, there does seem to be a cold front approaching from the north. The dew point is 29.3 degrees so I don't see any precipitation occuring tonight or tomorrow. The barometric pressure is 1029.7 and falling rapidly. For tomorrow, I don't think that we are going to have as nice a day as today, however temperatures will still be high, just a little cloudy and breezy with a chance of precipitation.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Feb 15, 2011
Its currently 1 pm and another nice day. Its 36 degrees outside and pretty sunny with about 0% cloud cover. The dew point is at 28 degrees which means that we may be getting some precipitation. There's a slight breeze coming out of the southwest blowing at about 8 mph. The barometric pressure is 1029.9 however falling rapidly which hopefully means again warmer temperatures coming. For tomorrow, I predict warm temperatures again, however it being more cloudy and windy with a slight chance of precipitation.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Feb 14, 2011
Its currently 2 pm and finally starting to look like spring. The temperature is 37 degrees and the sun is shining bright. There are some clouds in the sky, most looking like they are altocumulus. There is a slight breeze coming out of the west at about 5 mph. Barometric pressure is 1029.9 however rising slightly which may mean colder temperatures on the way. The dew point is 25 degrees so there is a tiny chance of precipitation but I don't see it happening. For tomorrow, I predict cooler temperatures due to a high pressure cold front approaching us to the north. I think it will windy and cloudy with no precipitation.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Feb 13, 2011
Its currently just after 8 and the temperature was nice all day. Temperatures are still at 42 degrees however it is windy with 15 mph winds coming from the southwest. The dew point is 29 degrees so I don't think we're going to get any preciptation. Its partly cloudy with 60% cloud cover. As for tomorrow, Im predicting another nice windy but summer day. I say there's a chance of precipitation but not ver much.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Feb 11, 2011
Its 2 pm and currently pretty nice outside considering there's no sunshine and 100% cloud cover, mostly appearing to be stratus clouds. The temperature is 16 degrees with a 7 mph wind coming out of the west. The dew point is 7 degrees so there may be a chance we get some precipitation tonight. The current barometric pressure is 1029.8 and is said to be falling rapidly which may be why temperatures are getting slightly warmer and we are having a better chance of some precipitation.
For tomorrow, I predict another cloudy but warmer day with a slight chance of snow flurries.
For tomorrow, I predict another cloudy but warmer day with a slight chance of snow flurries.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Feb 10, 2011
Its currently just after 1 pm and today is the nicest day we've had in about a week. It's very sunny outside with 0% cloud cover and temperatures are at 9 degrees although it feels warmer. Today is the first day in a while with hardly any wind as well. The barometric pressure is 1029.9 but falling rapidly according to the weather station on top of Phillips. This falling barometric pressure may be the reason for warmer conditions and less wind. It's currently not precipiting once again and I don't see any happening anytime soon.
As for tomorrow I'm predicting warmer temperatures due to a low pressure warm front coming in from the Dakotas.
As for tomorrow I'm predicting warmer temperatures due to a low pressure warm front coming in from the Dakotas.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Feb 9, 2011
Its currently 2 pm and very sunny outside with 0% cloud cover. Temperatures are again cold today with it being only 4 degrees (feels like -6.7) out right now. The barometric pressure is pretty high at 1030.2 which is a good indicator of these cold temperatures and the high pressure system we're in. Winds are coming in at 13 mph from the southwest and have had gusts stronger than that. The dew point is -8 with no precipitation in the forecast. There seems to be a warm front coming in from the northwest which will hopefully bring some warmer temperatures. For tomorrow, I am predicting a little bit warmer temperatures and partly cloudy with no precipitation.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Links I like I really enjoy this link because it shows what we are actually feeling here on campus and gives a history of what kind of weather we've had.®ion=us&expanddiv=menu I like this link because it seems to make the surface map clean and easy to follow. I like this link because it has an endless source of information regarding anything you'd want to know about. This lets you know the skiing conditions for any mountain in the midwest.®ion=us&expanddiv=menu I like this link because it seems to make the surface map clean and easy to follow. I like this link because it has an endless source of information regarding anything you'd want to know about. This lets you know the skiing conditions for any mountain in the midwest.
I really enjoy this link from weather. gov because it displays the pattern that the weather is going to take and it shows you what to expect using animation. It shows where the different fronts are coming and going and what to expect with the wind and precipitation.
I really enjoy this link from weather. gov because it displays the pattern that the weather is going to take and it shows you what to expect using animation. It shows where the different fronts are coming and going and what to expect with the wind and precipitation.
Feb 8, 2011
Its currently 1 pm and very cold outside right now with the temperature at 0 degrees and feeling much colder yet. Its very sunny outside right now with very little cloud cover. Winds are coming in directly from the west at 13 mph which is also making it colder. Theres a high pressure system forming by the Dakotas which means cooler temperatures again for tomorrow. No precipitation is expected at all today or tomorrow but expect another cold, windy day with plenty of sunshine once again.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Feb 7, 2011
Its currently 11 pm and it is bitterly cold outside. Temperatures right now are -19 degrees and it's been cold all day and cloudy. There is currently a 12 mph wind coming from the north and there isn't any precipitation happening.
My forecast for tomorrow is partly sunny with again cool temperatures and no precipitation.
My forecast for tomorrow is partly sunny with again cool temperatures and no precipitation.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Feb 5, 2011
Its currently 12:30 pm and its pretty nice out temperature wise due to the 100% cloud cover we have which all seem to be stratus clouds. The temperature is 25 degrees with a slight breeze coming from the southeast. There isn't much for pressure systems right now, however there is a low pressure front just north of us. There isn't any form of precipitation going on and I don't see any happening tonight either.
As for tomorrow, I forecast cooler temperatures with more wind and cloud cover with a slight chance of snow.
As for tomorrow, I forecast cooler temperatures with more wind and cloud cover with a slight chance of snow.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Feb 4, 2011
Its 2 pm right now and the sun is starting to shine. There is still quite a bit of cloud cover however with clouds that seem to be altocumulus. The current temperature is at 26 degrees which could be due to the southwest winds (10 mph) we are getting that may be bringing in some of that warm gulf air. There is no sign of precipitation occuring and no sign that any will happen.
My forecast for tomorrow is again warmer weather due to these southwest winds and no precipitation although it will be relatively cloudy again.
My forecast for tomorrow is again warmer weather due to these southwest winds and no precipitation although it will be relatively cloudy again.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Feb 3, 2011
Its 1 pm and currently 22 degrees, although it feels a lot colder out due to the strong winds coming from the southwest. It was sunny earlier in the day but now is mostly cloudy with clouds I'd classify as stratocumulus and altostratus. No form of precipitation has occured all day and I don't see any happening tonight either.
As for my forecast for tomorrow, I see it being cloudy once again with perhaps a little bit of snow flurries during the day. I predict warmer temperatures for tomorrow however and a little less wind.
As for my forecast for tomorrow, I see it being cloudy once again with perhaps a little bit of snow flurries during the day. I predict warmer temperatures for tomorrow however and a little less wind.
Wind Chill - Thursday, Feb 3 (
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Feb 2, 2011
Its 2 pm and still very sunny as it has been all day. There isn't hardly a cloud in the sky (other than a few altostratus clouds) which would be a good indicator of why it is so cold out. The temperature right now is 11 degrees although it feels colder. The wind is blowing calmly from the northwest at roughly 5 mph and there's no sign of any precipitation coming.
As for tomorrow, I see it being sunny again although being a little warmer. I don't see any precipitation coming, just a little stronger winds.
As for tomorrow, I see it being sunny again although being a little warmer. I don't see any precipitation coming, just a little stronger winds.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Feb 1, 2011
Its currently 1 pm and it went from being sunny earlier in the day to now getting to be a little cloudy. It's 17 degrees however, it feels much colder due to a relatively strong wind coming from the north. There is no form of precipitation occuring right now but when I woke up I noticed it had snowed last night.
As for tomorrow I'm predicting the weather to be pretty similar to today, with the sun shining a little more and the temperature to be a little warmer. I don't see any snow coming and the winds to die down.
As for tomorrow I'm predicting the weather to be pretty similar to today, with the sun shining a little more and the temperature to be a little warmer. I don't see any snow coming and the winds to die down.
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