Monday, December 12, 2011
Dec 12, 2011
New scientific research has is proving how certain weather affects the timing of natural hazards. Data taken from seasonal rainfall and snowfall patterns are now being used to predict when to expect the next earthquake or volcanic eruption in some places and how often they may take place. A case study done in the Himalayan mountains shows that in times when the season is rainy (especially in summer months) fewer earthquakes occur compared to the dry months. Another case study done in Iceland, shows the opposite. Summer is the time of greater hazard risk because of the ice caps melting. Where ice caps sit on top of active volcanoes and then start to melt can trigger volcanic eruptions below. Katla, a large volcano in Iceland, has been recorded to have lost a great deal of ice on the volcano and is predicted to erupt sooner than later.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Dec 5, 2011
Over the last few days or so, California has been getting devastated with high power winds creating havoc all over the area and into places in Utah and Nevada. Wind gusts were reported as high as 100 mph leaving hundreds of thousands of people without power, some of which are still without it. The winds also were responsible for creating fires and uprooting trees leaving some people dead along with destroying houses. The windstorms have been going on for 5 days so far and although they are dying down somewhat, many Californian counties are still under a weather alert as winds are expected to continue. The reason for these winds being so ferocious was due to the fact that the weather was coming from west to east rather than east to west and the winds were coming strong from the north. This link shows a news report of the damage caused by the heavy winds recently tearing through California. This link shows a news report of the damage caused by the heavy winds recently tearing through California.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Mudslides Leave at Least 3 Dead in Italy
Due to heavy rain lately in southern Italy, a number of landslides have occurred due to flooding leaving at least 3 people dead. Italy is a landslide prone region due to its steep slopes and the resulting landslides have washed away cars and taken out bridges in the last few days. Italian residents have taken a great risk by building their houses on these steep slopes and are now starting to pay for it due to the heavy rains. The flooding and mudslides have also created havoc for railroads especially in Sicily closing them down temporarily. This is the second time since fall that Italy has been hit by flash flooding and landslides. Italian citizens are starting to blame much of the destruction on failure to regularly clean storm drains. People are claiming this to be a "dramatic national emergency" and soldiers have been coming to the area to help rescue stranded persons.

This is an image from showing people leaving parts of Sicily to escape the mudslides resulting from the hard rain the last few days.
This is an image from showing people leaving parts of Sicily to escape the mudslides resulting from the hard rain the last few days.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Severe Storms Hit the South
A number of severe storms nailed the south part of the U.S. late last night and throughout the day today. The storm was responsible for at least 6 casualties so far, dozens taken to the hospital, dozens of houses were torn apart and thousands still remain without power. The multiple tornadoes that hit the areas left debris trails of over 7 miles. Tornadoes were reported in at least 5 southeastern states and surrounding states were also hit with severe weather, however no tornadoes were reported. Survivors are saying that it looked like a seen out of "The Wizard of Oz" it happened so quickly. Many of the areas hit are still in recovery mode from the years earlier tornadoes as well. 
This image is from a rural town in South Carolina were a twister touched down and created a plethora of damage.
This image is from a rural town in South Carolina were a twister touched down and created a plethora of damage.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
November 14, 2011
For years people have been skeptible of the idea of global warming and climate change but more and more data reflects that the phenomena is definitely real and should be a serious area of concern. More and more records have been showing that the world temperatures are getting to be as high as ever, resulting in the melting of icecaps and glaciers. With the ice melting globally, sea levels will rise and you can then expect for water to surge onto land areas and bury some places which would then be non-existant. With increasing sea levels, you can also expect a higher storm surge when a typhoon or a hurricane hits rendering the possibility of more human lives lost. Another problem with increasing temperatures is that the snow on mountians will start melting more improving the risk of landslides and flooding to happen in heavily populated areas around the world. Higher temperatures will reflect drier seasons as well in areas and places will become more vulnearble to drought. The global output of carbon dioxide jumped by the biggest amount on record, the U.S. Department of Energy calculated, a sign of how weak the world's efforts are at slowing man-made global warming where most developed nations are at fault, especially the U.S. The new data for the 2010 mean levels of greenhouse gases are higher than the worst case scenario talked about by climate experts in 2006. The carbon output into the atmosphere rose 6% just from 2009 to 2010. These numbers have scientists across the country urging the public to take action and become aware of this situation before the point of no return. This is a really cool video I found on youtube that shows land temperatures around the world since 1800. This is a really cool video I found on youtube that shows land temperatures around the world since 1800.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
November 8th 2011
As of today, Alaska is experiencing one its worst storms on record. The storm is recorded at traveling 60 mph and is expected to hit the west coast soon with wind gusts of 85 mph. Dozens of coastal communities are prepared for an emergency evacuation as storm surge is to reach 10 feet. This storm is considered to be life threatening and shouldn't be seen as anything less. The west coast of Alaska is to experience blizzard conditions like never before with record snow fall and winds creating poor visibility. Another worry that people are having is that it's snowing sideways. The storm represents a perfect mid latitude cyclone although the path of the storm has taken a turn that has not been predicted.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
November 2, 2011 "Snow Storms Hammer the Northeast"
On Saturday, October 29, the northeast experienced a snow storm like none other before. Cities in the New England area accumulated up to 32 inches of snow leaving over 3 million houses (worst in history) without power for days (some were told they'd be without power for up to 10 days), schools have been closed for a week and 23 people are dead so far from slippery roads, trees falling and being electrocuted from downed wires. This area has been said to still have not recovered from recent flooding from hurricane Irene and after this snow melts the area can expect a lot more flooding. The severe snow accumulation has battered public transportation, especially train lines, in the northeast forcing people to all drive, resulting in a number of accidents and hour long traffic delays. Many people have been taking refuge at local community centers to try and stay warm from the cold temperatures and get a nights sleep. Another major issue is that some town officials are worried that cleanup would stretch already depleted budgets to the breaking point. Climate experts are saying to expect more and more of these natural disasters, especially more typhoons and severe storms as climate change is really starting to take it's toll.
Monday, October 24, 2011
October 24, 2011 Another Hurricane in the Atlantic
Tropical storm Rina is now being classified as a hurricane making it the sixth hurricane to hit the Atlantic this year. The storm grew faster than expected, building off of Honduras and Nicaragua and is predicted to hit Mexico's Yucitan Peninsula, which is one of Mexico's top tourism places and is known for its many beach resorts, in the next few days. The storm wasn't seen as to be too threatening as winds were at 45 mph but an hour later winds reached 75 mph and are gaining speed. By tomorrow now, the hurricane is figured to reach a category 3 with winds in excess of 110 mph. The storm is to hit the Cayman Islands next and is expected to bring at least 2 inches of rain and also is going to hit other nearby areas with heavy amounts of rain, which many of these places have already been devastated with rain, so slope failure could be a problem in some places. Rina is predicted to hit Mexico's coast on Thursday, but the predictions hope that it will die down enough to hopefully not bring too much destruction.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Southern Farms Devastated by Drought and Flooding Oct. 18 2011
The south has been severely devastated this whole year when it comes to having disasters. They have experienced the worst droughts in decades and some of the worst flooding as well in a long time. Farmers just west of the Mississippi River have perhaps experienced the most, having both hazards wreck their crops. The cost of bad weather in these farming regions for is figured to hit $1 billion for the farmers. Individual farmers in Arkansas have been reported to have lost 200 acres or more of farm land due to flooding in the spring and now have had their cattle grazing land be shot due to the severe drought, costing some farmers close to $100,000. States like Arkansas and Louisiana have lost close to $1 billion by themselves statewide from these hazards. This is a huge deal because these two states alone supply 60% of our nation's rice but due to the flooding the supply has gone down dramatically, resulting in higher prices. Farmers had said that this has been the most expensive year ever because of the need for irrigation due to the record drought. Because of the severe contrast of weather in the last few month is this region, flooding in the spring and drought currently, the region's farm land has been desecrated resulting in many of our important crops not being produced like normal.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
October 13, 2011 Thailand Flooding
Many areas of Thailand (two-thirds total) are currently being flooded severely with some places being flooded with over 10 feet of water, destroying many villages and drowning a crazy 108 temples. Rescue teams rescued a lot of people using navy boats and motorized canoes while the rest of the people affected floated on whatever they could find, pedal boats, inner tubes and even some foam. This is just another disaster that has damaged parts of Asia most notably the epic monsoon rains and typhoons. Thailand has been one of the hardest hit killing nearly 300 people recently and their flooding is the worst it's been in the last 50 years. The Asian continent has experienced billions of dollars of damage and many factories have been forced to shut down and their rice fields have been completely wrecked affected their economy. Bangkok, one of the areas not yet affected, has its residents buying emergency supplies fearing that they will soon be next.
This is an image from Wednesday of one of the most sacred temples in Thailand.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
October 11, 2011
As of yesterday and early today, a pacific hurricane (hurricane Jova), is been nearing Mexico's vulnerable coastline, which is packed with tourists resorts and flood-prone mountain villages. Since the hurricane is going to hit this area, many people have begun to evacuate and the fear of this storm, although it's not all that strong, has resulted in shutting down one of Mexico's top cargo ports. Other hazards that have been occurring across the world in the last few days are some intense flooding going on in India from all of the rain, killing over 100 people, a tropical storm, off the Atlantic Coast, had been classified as a hurricane (Philippe), however it isn't a threat to reach land. There have also been numerous fires reported in Russia and China to the point where both countries have issued their second highest fire warnings due to dry and windy conditions.

The red dots indicate where fires have been occurring in the last few days (image from
The red dots indicate where fires have been occurring in the last few days (image from
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
1970 Bangladesh Cyclone
In 1970 one of the deadliest cyclones (Bhloa Cyclone) in history hit Bangladesh killing about 500,000 people. Winds hit 230 mph which resulted in nearby flooding. The cyclone hit the densely and heavily populated coastal area around the Bay of Bengal, which is one of the poorest places in the world as well. The resulting waves took out entire villages leaving many homeless. This hazard I'd say fits the engineering paradigm as well as the developmental paradigm and the behavioural paradigm. It fits the engineering paradigm because the city didn't have proper infrastructure to sustain both a large cyclone and the resulting flooding due to the poor state of the country. It also fit the developmental paradigm because Bangladesh is a least developed country so they suffered more because of their lack of wealth for proper infrastructure and with having such a largely populated area with the population being so dense, many people died. It fits the behavioural paradigm too because the cyclone hit hardest on the low-lying coast of Bangladesh where they had nothing they could do with the 9 meter storm surge and 4 meter rise in tide level, and this wall of water devastated this area of the country. The low lying islands off the coast experienced the bulk of the destruction. When looking how the complexity paradigm fits in with this hazard, since it hit in 1970 and it hit an extremely poor country, there wasn't a significant warning issued out resulting in people not being notified that this intense storm was coming and there wasn't a large response team sent out immediately to try to find survivors and rescue them which could have prevented many people from dying.
I go this picture from and just thought it was incredible how large this storm was.
October 4, 2011
I got this U.S. current weather watch/warning map from and I've looked at these maps before but the one for today has a lot of stuff going on. The main thing I see is the bright pinkish area in the central part of the country where all of these counties are in a red flag warning, which means that these areas are extremely dry and windy which is a good recipe for wildfires to sprout. Another thing I found interesting is the dark blue to the west which is a winter storm watch which seems so early in the year and especially odd that there's a watch in Nevada and Utah. Nevada and parts of Northwestern Arizona are also in a flood warning too. The last thing I found to be interesting on this map is looking at Texas and all of the grey counties which represents an air quality alert. This could possibly be from all of the wildfires that have taken place here in the last month.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
September 29, 2011
This is a map that I found today when looking for current hazards and it's from showing Texas' daily fire danger. The blue and the green indicate areas of low or moderate danger which you can see there are very few sections and the dark red shows extremely high chances of fire and the light red and yellow are still very high and high. You can also see how many of Texas' large cities and weather stations are located in the areas under extreme concern. The fires are as a result of strong winds from Tropical Storm Lee, record heat, drought, low humidity and lack of rain and all of these factors combined have created dozens of fires including the most destructive in Texas history.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
September 27, 2011
I large typhoon known as typhoon Nesat, in the last few days has brought heavy destruction to the Philippines. At least 8 are confirmed dead with over 2 million people without power. The typhoon brought heavy rain and winds close to 90 mph. The craziest thing about this typhoon is that in an area about 120 hours north of Manila, land fell 120 miles from getting over an inch of rain an hour. The storm is expected to now move to southeastern China and this storm is another perfect example of Asia and southeast Asia continues to get hit by these large storms. As for the U.S. the only thing really going on right now is some flooding especially in the northeast but also in parts of the midwest.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Sept. 22, 2011
This is an image of Typhoon Roke which is building up strength and is about to bring a whole lot of rain to Japan and other Asian countries who are still recovering from the damage that another Typhoon brought earlier in September. Japan has already ordered 80,000 people to evacuate and advised another 1 million due to the flooding of two major rivers expected and the mudslides from the rain. Winds from this storm are currently over 130 mph classifying it as a category 4 storm however the storm is expected to get stronger. Roke is expected to hit Japan with 20 inches of rain, again hitting an area that has already been devastated by large disasters this year.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sept. 19, 2011
This link goes to an article about a large Earthquake (6.9 magnitude) that took place earlier today in India by the Himalaya region. As a result of the earthquake, 53 people died and 100,000 homes got damaged at least so far affecting other regions of southern Asia as well. The quake also provided some large mudslides which were also responsible for damage. Relief efforts were halted during a large rainstorm and a great deal of military personnel have been working frantically to help save people, many of the rescuers have been killed or hurt as well. It seems like these poor regions of the world have been getting hammered by these large disasters, especially in the recent last few years and this disaster seems like it affected much of the Asian continent.
this is a picture of some of the damage.
This link goes to an article about a large Earthquake (6.9 magnitude) that took place earlier today in India by the Himalaya region. As a result of the earthquake, 53 people died and 100,000 homes got damaged at least so far affecting other regions of southern Asia as well. The quake also provided some large mudslides which were also responsible for damage. Relief efforts were halted during a large rainstorm and a great deal of military personnel have been working frantically to help save people, many of the rescuers have been killed or hurt as well. It seems like these poor regions of the world have been getting hammered by these large disasters, especially in the recent last few years and this disaster seems like it affected much of the Asian continent.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
September 13, 2011 I was looking around this site and noticed that there is a hurricane (Katia) going on that I didn't know was happening, probably because it never hit us, but is now just considered a tropical storm, however it has put many European places in a severe weather alert and these areas are expected to get hit hard by the tail of this storm. If this category 4 hurricane would have hit us, it would have been headline news for days, maybe weeks, but since it's not going to effect us, we don't hear about it which isn't right.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Fires Devastating Bolivia Sept. 8, 2011
Since the beginning of September, Bolivia has been getting hammered by a series of fires destroying much of their land. This is important because their crops that they need to survive and crops that they are exporting are getting burned resulting in money lost for an already poor country and the loss of lives.
The hazy areas are a result of the smoke from these fires and the red dots all over the place are places where fires are currently burning and many are considered to be "burning out of control."
Monday, May 16, 2011
May 16, 2011
Its currently 5:30 and its still beautiful out like it has been all day. Current temperature is still 67 degrees with still not a cloud in the sky, which will make it a cold night. There is a 13 mph wind coming from the northeast and the barometric pressure is 1030.4 and falling some. The relative humidity is 19% and the dew point is 21 degrees so the air isn't very saturated. The jet stream shows the whole country in some sort of different troughs, the west has a trough bringing in cold air, the central has an inverse trough bringing in warm air and the east has a trough with a large swirl in the middle which could be why they have been getting hit by storms lately or it's associated with a dry line in this area. The current surface map shows a lot going on on the east coast with some low pressure systems and a stationary front that brought some rain, as for us there isn't much going on, but there does seem to be a low pressure occluded front coming in but it's dying down, so I don't think it will bring any rain. My prediction for tomorrow is another warm, clear day with increasing winds shifting towards the north because of a high pressure system by us.

Friday, May 13, 2011
May 13, 2011
Its currently almost noon and my predictions were pretty accurate so far, although I thought we were going to get some rain. The current temperature is 53 degrees although it feels a little cooler probably because of the 11 mph wind coming from the north. The barometric pressure rose some from yesterday and is now at 1029.8 and steady. The relative humidity is 77% and the dew point is 46 degrees so some rain is possible sometime today. The jetstream shows the large trough that was west of us yesterday by us now, which is responsible for the cooler weather. The current surface map shows that large stationary front that was by us yesterday now in the southeast producing rain and now ther is another low pressure stationary front coming in but doesn't look like it has any rain with it. My prediction for tomorrow is another cool day with about the same cloud cover and for winds to shift towards the west with a chance of precipitation.

Thursday, May 12, 2011
May 12, 2011
Its currently about noon and it's another nice day. The sky is a little occluded but the sun is starting to come out and it's very humid. It's currently 66 degrees although it feels warmer because of the humidity. There is a slight breeze coming from the north at 3 mph. Barometric pressure rose some from yesterday and is now at 1029.7 and steady. The humidity is at 84% and the dew point is 61 degrees so there is a good chance of rain soon. The jetstream looks pretty odd, with a large cyclone in the middle of the country which is associated with the dryline that shows up in the same place on the current surface map. The surface map also shows a large low pressure stationary front passing by with some rain with it as well. There are a number of high pressure systems around the country so look for the wind to shift to the east tomorrow or today. My prediction for tomorrow is a cooler day with increasing cloud cover and some rain in the next 6 or so hours.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011
May 10, 2011
Its currently 8 pm and its still very nice out. Today was a beautiful day with little wind, plenty of sunshine, no rain and temperatures hitting over 80 degrees. I thought we were going to maybe get some rain but I was glad I was wrong. The temperature is still beautiful at 76 degrees although it feels a little cooler with a wind of 11 from the ESE. Relative humidity is 58% and the dew point is 57 degrees but I think we are going to be getting a thunderstorm soon. Barometric pressure is 1029.5 and steady. The jetstream shows us in the middle of an inverse trough which is bringing us this warm air, however to the west of us there is a big trough bringing in some cool arctic air. The current surface map shows us right in the middle of a low pressure warm front as well and it has some rain with it, however the storm appears to be dying. There does look to be a pretty big storm coming in from the northwest as well which I think is going to hit us tonight or tomorrow bringing us some storms. My prediction for tomorrow is for another hot day with precipitation likely and for winds to increase and shift towards the east.
Monday, May 9, 2011
May 9, 2011
Its currently just after noon and the rain has finally let up after storming all morning. Current temperature is 54 degrees but it feels like 45 and even colder with the strong winds we are getting from the east at 36 mph, these winds are a good reason for this storm. The sky is completley occluded with nimbostratus clouds still bringing us this rain. Barometric pressure is 1029.6 and now falling rapidly and relative humidity is 87% with a dew point of 50 degrees, all factors in this storm. The jetstream looks like it has a zonal flow for the most part, however there is a large trough in the west and sort of an inverse trough over us which should bring warm air to us. When looking at the current surface map, you can see us getting pounded with heavy rain brought in by a large low pressure stationary front followed by another one with more rain. My prediction for tomorrow is a warm day, with clouds breaking up and a chance of rain with winds dying down and shifting towards the north.
Friday, May 6, 2011
May 6, 2011
Its currently about 11 am and its another very nice day. The current temperature is 62 degrees and there aren't any clouds with a slight breeze coming from the northwest. The relative humidity is 34% and the dew point is 31 degrees so the air isn't very saturated. Barometric pressure dropped some and is now at 1029.8 and steady. The jet stream looks like it's back to a zonal flow so much of the country is getting nice weather. The current surface map has a lot going on with it, most notably the large occluded front that just went over us, which is why we could have got rain yesterday but it wasn't strong enough, and the next low pressure occluded front coming in. This is like the last one, a low pressure cold front with some rain attached to it, however the storm is again dying off. Other than that, there are a lot of low and high pressure systems around and some drylines associated with them. My prediction for tomorrow, is a warm but cloudy day with a chance of rain and for winds to shift to the west/southwest.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
May 4, 2011
Its just after noon and my predictions for today were pretty accurate, it got a little warmer, the sky is pretty clear with the sun shining, no rain, however winds shifted a little farther than I thought and are now coming in from the southeast rather than east at 14 mph. Current temperature is 58 degrees with the sky having hardly any cloud cover, but there are some cirrus clouds. The relative humidity is 24% and the dew point is 21 degrees so again the air isn't very saturated. Barometric pressure rose a little from yesterday and is now 1030.3 and steady. The jetstream shows that trough bringing in the cold air recently has shifted east and now we sort of have an inverse trough which should bring us some warm weather for the next few days. The current surface map shows that the storms on the east are about done, but there is a low pressure occluded front that is diminishing however has some rain with it. My prediciton for tomorrow is a cooler day with increasing clouds and for winds to shift back towards the east/northeast and a slight chance of some rain.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
May 3, 2011
Its currently almost noon and my prediction for today was pretty accurate. The temperature is warmer, its not as cloudy, we got no rain and winds shifted to the north. Current temperature is 41 degrees but it feels more like 36 with about 25% cloud cover with what looks like altocumulus clouds. There is an 11 mph wind coming from the north and the barometric pressure is 1030.2 and steady. Relative humidity is 48% and the dew point is 23 degrees so the air isn't very saturated. When seeing the current surface map, there again isn't much going on with us, but in the southeast they are still getting stormed on. There is still a high pressure system by us which is responsible for the nicer weather. THere is a low pressure cold front coming from the west with some rain with it however, it appears to be dying down. My prediction for tomorrow is for it to be like today except a little warmer with little cloud cover, no rain and for winds to maybe shift east.
Monday, May 2, 2011
May 2, 2011
Its currently almost 3 pm and its another crappy day like it has been for the last few days; cold, windy, cloudy, rainy. Current temperature is 38 degrees although it feels like 33 and the sky is again completely covered with clouds that look like possibly cumulonimbus clouds. The weind has died down from earlier and is now at 7 mph coming from the southwest. Relative humidity is 63% and the dew point is 27 degrees and barometric pressure rose from the last time I checked and is now at 1030.2 and rising slowly. The current jet stream has a pretty large trough in it in the middle of the country which is a good reason for these cold temperatures. The current surface map is pretty plain with the only thing going on being a band of large storms in the southeast behind a large low pressure stationary front. As for us we don't have anything really by us other than a high pressure dome which hopefully will bring us some warmer temperatures again and clearer skies. For tomorrow, I predict a warmer day with clouds dispersing and for winds to shift towards the north with no precipitation.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
April 28, 2011
Its currently about 11:30 am and my prediction for today was pretty accurate again. I was correct in predicting the south being hit hard and they did badly. We are still getting some rain, its cloudy and cool, however winds didn't shift like I thought they were. Current temperature is 40 degrees with realfeel at 32 with the sky again completely cloud covered with nimbostratus clouds. Winds are still coming from the northwest at 11 mph and barometric pressure stayed the same at 1029.6 however is still supposed to be rising rapidly. Relative humidity is 79% and the dew point is 34 degrees so we may be seeing rain yet for a few hours. When looking at the jetstream map, the country is pretty much in a zonal flow other than by us, where there is a little trough which is why its chilly today. The current surface map is pretty plain, however there is a dry line going right through us and there is a cold front approaching. Other than that there isn't much going on other than on the east coast now where they're getting the aftermath of the large storm from the last few days. My prediction for tomorrow is for the clouds to disappear and the sun to come out with a warm day and less windy. Winds will still come from the northwest and precipitation should stop in the next few hours.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
April 27, 2011
Its currently almost 2 pm and my predictions for today were pretty accurate. Today is a lot like yesterday without the rain and winds shifted to the north/northwest which I did predict because of the low pressure system that passed leading to counterclockwise winds. Current temperature is 43 degrees although it feels like 39 with the sky again covered with clouds that appear to be nimbostratus again. There is a 13 mph wind coming from the northwest and barometric pressure hasn't changed and is still at 1029.6 and rising rapidly. Relative humidity is 90% and the dew point is 40 degrees, so this is another good indicator we may be getting more rain. The jetstream looks about the same today as well, with a large trough in the middle of the country bringing in the cold air from Canada and that air is mixing with the naturally warmer air there, which is why they are expected to be hit with some hard storms. When looking at the current surface map, the long stationary front that brought us that rain yesterday has passed, however there does look to be some rain yet behind it. My prediction for tomorrow is another day like today, cloudy and cool with some precipitation likely in the next 6 or so hours and for winds to shift back towards the north.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
April 26, 2011
Its currently 11:30 am and it has been raining throughout the day so far. Current temperature is 41 degrees although it feels like 39 with the sky covered in nimbostratus clouds producing rain, which will continue throughout the day. There is also a 13 mph wind coming from the northeast. Relative humidity is 90% and the dew point is 40 degrees which is also a good reason why we are getting rain. Barometric pressure hasn't changed much in the last week and is at 1029.6 and now rising rapidly. When looking at the current surface map, we are in the middle of a long low pressure stationary front which has brought us the rain. You can notice from the jet stream map that there is a large trough in the middle of the country which corresponds to the large stationary front to the south. This front is producing some violent storms down here and they are in a tornado outbreak watch. My prediction for tomorrow is about the same as today with about the same temperature, same cloud cover and precipitation and for winds to increase and shift towards the W/WNW.

Friday, April 22, 2011
April 22, 2011
Its currently about 12:30 pm and my predictions for today were a little off. I thought we'd get the rain we are still getting now and it is cloudy, but I thought the temperatures were going to warm up and I thought the winds were going to shift a little more. The current temperature is 41 degrees but it feels like 34 with the sky completely cloud covered and it is misting outside. I thought that the winds were going to shift farther to the north than what it is, but winds are coming rather from the east at 11 mph. Relative humidity is 92% and the dew point is 39 degrees so this is a good reason why we are getting some precipitation. Barometric pressure dropped to 1029.8 and is now falling rapidly because of that big low pressure stationary front. The jetstream hasn't changed much and is still looking like a zonal pattern. When looking at the current surface map, the main thing I see is that the long stationary front that is bringing us this rain is dying down so I don't think we're going to be getting much more rain which may also be part of the reason for so many drylines across the country. For tomorrow, I predict another cool day, but more sun and again windy with no precipiation.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
April 21, 2011
Its currently about 11:30 and the weather is about the complete opposite from yesterday. The sun is shining, there isn't much wind and it isn't snowing. Current temperature is 47 degrees although it feels a little cooler. There is probably about 40% cloud cover with what looks like cumulostratus clouds. There is a 3 mph breeze coming from the south as well. Barometric pressure rose to 1030.3 and is now steady. Current relative humidity is 68% and the dew point is 32 degrees. The jet stream is still in a zonal pattern and there is some increasing water vapor coming in. When looking at the current weather map, I can see a large low pressure stationary front to the west coming in that looks like its bringing in some showers with it. It is odd though because there is a dry line in the area of these showers. For tomorrow, I predict some warmer temperatures with increasing cloud cover and I don't think we are going to get any showers yet but maybe tomorrow night and for winds to increase strength and come from the north.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
April 19, 2011
Its currently just after 1 pm and my predictions for today were sort of accurate. I was right in increasing cloud cover and no precipitation however I thought the temperatures would be warmer than what they are. The current temperature is 39 degrees although it feels like 30 with the sky looking obscurred. The wind was pretty strong earlier coming out of the east but has now calmed a little and is coming in at about 8 mph I'd say. The barometric pressure dropped from yesterday and is now at 1029.5 and falling rapidly. The relative humidity rose to 47% from yesterday and the dew point is still at 20 degrees. The jet stream looks about the same as yesterday with a little trough forming around the Montana region bringing in some cold air in those parts. The water vapor satellite and current surface map both show a great deal of water vapor in the air over us and with these cold temperatures along with the east winds, I think we are going to get some snow soon. My prediction for tomorrow is for another cloudy day with about the same temperatures and for us to get some snow either tonight or tomorrow morning. Look for the winds to shift to the north too after this front passes.

Monday, April 18, 2011
April 18, 2011
Its currently about 12:30 and the weather today is a lot like it was all weekend, pretty chilly and windy. When I first woke up this morning, there was a good deal of cloud cover, however these clouds have broken up and the sun is shining. The current temperature is 42 degrees but it feels like 37. Winds have shifted to the north and are coming in at about 6 mph. Barometric pressure dropped a little from my last post and is now at 1029.9 and steady with relative humidity being 40% and the dew point at 20 degrees. When looking at the jet stream there is a zonal flow with no troughs throughout the country bringing in any arctic air anywhere. When looking at the current surface map, there is a huge stationary front to the south and a low pressure system forming in Colorado which is a good indicator of a storm coming and from the map, there appears to be some rain and snow associated with this system. For tomorrow, I predict a little warmer temeperatures with some increasing cloud cover and no storms yet, but perhaps by Wednesday.
Friday, April 15, 2011
April 15, 2011
Its currently just after 12 pm and my predictions for today were again pretty accurate. It is another cold, windy day and we did end up getting some rain. The current temperature is 42 degrees but it feels like 32 and there is a very strong eastery wind coming in at 18 mph. We are actually in a wind advisory warning until 7 pm tonight. Again the sky is completely cloud covered as well. The relative humidity is 41% and the dew point is 22 degrees. Barometric pressure dropped again and is now at 1030 and falling rapidly. When looking at the jet stream and water vapor satellites, there is still that large mid latitude cyclone and a great deal of water vapor in the air over us. When looking at the current surface map, there is a dry line approaching however there looks like some snow flurries may be associated with it. My prediction for tomorrow is another chilly, windy day with a good chance of either rain or snow.

Thursday, April 14, 2011
April 14, 2011
Its currently 4 pm and my predictions for today were pretty accurate. The winds have picked up, its chilly outside and its cloudy. We did also get some rain last night and some drops today because of that cold front that passed. The current temperature is 44 degrees although it feels cooler probably because of the 14 mph wind coming from the east bringing in that maritime polar air. The sky is again completely covered with a blanket of stratus clouds and the barometric pressure dropped a little to 1030.2 and is still falling slowly beccause of a low pressure system moving in. Relative humidity is 40% and the dew point is 25 degrees. When looking at the water vapor sattelite and the jetstream there seems to be a mid latitude cyclone forming just to the southwest of us and this trough is bringing in our cold air and a lot of water vapor. There is a large stationary front approaching as well that has some showers associated with it so I expect for us to get some rain in the next 12 to 24 hours. For tomorrow, I predict another day like today, windy, chilly, cloudy and look for us to get some rain.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
April 13, 2011
Its currently just after 4 pm and my predictions so far today were pretty accurate. I was correct in the lower temperatures and increasing cloud cover but I was wrong in my wind direction prediction. The current temperature is 60 degrees with the sky being covered with stratus clouds. The temperatures dropped because of a big cold front that just passed through. There is a 10 mph wind coming from the north as well. Barometric pressure is still pretty steady at 1030.9 and the dew point is 20 degrees. When looking at the current surface map you notice the cold front that passed but this front has some rain showers coming in behind it so I think we're going to be getting some rain tonight or tomorrow. There are two other cold fronts coming in from the west as well so temperatures are going to be chilly the next few days. So for tomorrow, I predict another chilly day with stronger winds and more clouds.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
April 12, 2011
Its currently just after 11 am and it is another very nice day out, like it has been the last few days. I wasn't able to do the last few days of weather because I was out of town. Current temperature is 55 degrees with some cloud cover, Id say about 30% with what appears to be cirrus clouds and some altostratus clouds. There is a slight 7 mph breeze coming from the southwest. Barometric pressure rose to 1030.7 mb since the last post I had and is steady, but this rose because of the number of high pressure systems in our area. The relative humidity is 41% and the dew point is 35 degrees so the air isn't very saturated. The jet stream pattern looks for the most part to be a zonal pattern with a large trough to the southeast of us, which may have been the reason for cool temperatures yesterday. When looking at the current weather map, there is a large low pressure cold front coming in from the west and should be hitting us soon, so we could be getting some lower temperatures in the next day or so. My prediction for tomorrow, is a little cooler day with increasing clouds and for winds to shift more to the south because of the low pressure system coming in.
Friday, April 8, 2011
April 8, 2011
Its currently just after 11 am and my predictions for today were pretty off. I thought we were going to have another really warm day, but so far its not that warm out, I thought we were going to have cloud cover but there is none and I was correct in saying the wind was going to shift counterclockwise, however they shifted farther than I thought. The current temperature is 46 degrees and there is 0% cloud cover with winds coming in at 6 mph directly from the east. Barometric pressure did fall a little from yesterday and is now at 1029.9 and still falling. Relative humidity is 63% and the dew point is 34 degrees so the air is more saturated than it was yesterday and when looking at the water vapor satellite, there is a great deal of water vapor coming this way so I think that we're going to see some thunderstorms tonight and into tomorrow. There is also a large stationary front approaching with a low pressure system attached to it that looks like it's going to bring some warmer temperatures as well. For tomorrow, I predict increasing clouds with warmer temperatures and for winds to continue from the east and maybe shift to the northeast with a great chance of us getting rain.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
April 7, 2011
Its almost 1 pm and it may be the nicest day of the year so far. Temperatures are high, there isn't much wind and the sun is shining, reflecting that my predictions for today were pretty accurate. The current temperature is 57 degrees and there is some cloud cover (I'd say about 30%) with what appears to be stratus clouds however the sun is shining through. There is a breeze coming from the southwest at about 7 mph. Barometric pressure rose a little bit from yesterday and is now at 1029.9 and steady. The relative humidity is 34% and the dew point is 23 degrees so the air is not very saturated so I don't see any rain tonight/tomorrow. When looking at the current surface map, there is a lot of activity throughout the country. There is a large stationary front to the south of us that has some rain associated with it, however it shouldn't effect us. There is also a large low pressure system and stationary front coming from the west and may have some precipitation along with it. My prediction for tomorrow is another very nice day with about the same temperature and same cloud cover with barometric pressure dropping a little bit and winds to shift to the south because of the low pressure system. I don't think we're going to get any rain yet.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
April 6, 2011
Its currently just after 11 am and it is a very nice day outside. My predictions were pretty accurate today in predicting warmer temperatures, relatively the same wind direction and no precipitation. Current temperature is 47 degrees with about 0% cloud coverage, the only clouds I notice are a few cirrus clouds. The wind has shifted a little bit from yesterday to the northwest and is coming in at 5 mph. The winds may have shifted this direction because of the high pressure system that passed. The barometric pressure is 1029.7 and rising slowly. The dew point is 31 degrees and the relative humidity is 49% so the air isn't very saturated meaning that the rain I thought we may get in the next few days may not be coming. There isn't a whole lot going on when looking at the current surface map other than a cold front to the southwest of us that won't affect us at all. When looking at the jet stream, there isn't any troughs at all so there isn't any cold air masses coming in to our area so our temperatures should be warm again tomorrow. As for the rest of my prediction for tomorrow, I think it's going to be a lot like it is today with perhaps more cloud cover.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
April 5, 2011
Its currently just after 1pm and my predictions for today were on and off. I was right in us not getting any precipitation and for the sky to clear up, however I wrongfully predicted the wind direction and temperature. Current temperature is 43 degrees with 0% cloud cover. There is a 7 mph wind coming directly from the west and barometric pressure is 1029.5 and still steady. Relative humidity is 41% and the dew point is 21 degrees so the air isn't very saturated. When looking at the current surface map, I notice a dry line on the western part of Minnesota coming in separating the moisture difference on both sides. There appears to be light rain on both sides of the dry line and there's a low pressure cold front behind this line which is going to bring us some rain sometime soon. My prediction for tomorrow is a little warmer temperatures with no precipitation yet because of the dryline, and for winds to continue coming from the west.
Monday, April 4, 2011
April 4, 2011
Its currently just after 11 am and today is a lot like yesterday. Temperatures are chilly, its windy and cloudy. Current temperature is 32 degrees and there is a pretty strong wind coming from the northwest at 15 mph. The sky is cloudy again with cumulus clouds which brought some rain earlier but are now breaking up and the sun is starting to shine through. Barometric pressure hasn't changed too much and is at 1029.5 and steady. Relative humidity is 79% and the dew point is 31 degrees so I wouldn't be suprised if we see some more rain coming. There isn't a whole lot going on with our current surface map but there is a high pressure system in the Dakotas which will be coming our way so look for winds to shift back towards the east. My prediction for tomorrow is cool temperatures again with more sun and another windy day with winds shifting to the east. I think we may see some light rain in the next few hours however I don't think we'll be getting any through the night or tomorrow.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
April 2, 2011
Its currently 12:30 pm and my predictions so far were relatively accurate. The sky broke up and the sun is shining. I was incorrect though because we did get rain through the night but the temperatures did rise and the winds shifted towards the west. Current temperature is 42 degrees and there is a 7 mph wind coming from the northwest. Barometric pressure dropped a little from yesterday and is now at 1028.3. The current dew point is 30 degrees and the relative humidity is 65% so we may be getting some more rain soon. A high pressure system looks like it's going to pass through soon so look for the winds to shift back towards the northeast. There is also a large stationary front coming soon which is bringing some rain with it. My prediction for tomorrow is for some warmer temperatures with winds shifting to the northeast and for it to cloud up later tonight and for it to rain tonight/tomorrow.
Friday, April 1, 2011
April 1, 2011
Its currently 11 am and my predictions for today were pretty accurate. The winds shifted towards the north, temperatures have remained pretty stable and we ended up finally getting the snow we've been expecting because of the low pressure system and the occluded front that passed through. Current conditions are 36 degrees and the sky is completely overcast with some fog as well which I'd classify as radiation fog? As I mentioned earlier it snowed overnight accumulating a few inches and is currently raining however, I expect the rain to stop in the next few hours as this front passes by. There is little to no wind currently but the wind that there is seems to be coming from the north, northwest. The dew point is 31 degrees and the relative humidity is 93% so the air is very saturated which is another reason for this precipitation. Barometric pressure hasn't changed very much and is at 1029.5 and steady. My prediction for tomorrow is for the clouds to break up bringing in some sunshine and for temperatures to rise into the mid 40's with winds shifting towards the west with no precipitation on the way. You can see when looking at this picture from unisys the amount of water vapor currently in the air over Wisconsin.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
March 31, 2011
Its currently about 12:30 and my predictions for today were on and off. The temperature did stay about the same and we did get increasing clouds with no precipitation yet, however I was wrong in my wind direction. Right now its 43 degrees but feels more like 40, with an overcast sky, and winds have shifted to the southeast at 6 mph where I thought that they'd stay to the northeast but the winds shifted because of the clockwise pattern that high pressure systems have and a high pressure system justed passed. Barometric pressure fell a little from yesterday and now sits at 1029.7 and is falling slowly and the dew point is 15 degrees. When looking at the current surface maps, I notice 2 stationary fronts that appear almost parrallel coming from the west, which seems odd, however the one that's currently in the Dakotas I believe will bring the rain and or snow that I thought would be coming. So, for tomorrow, I predict again little temperature change with the same cloud cover and winds to shift back to the northeast because of the low pressure part of this stationary front. I also expect this front to bring some precipitation as well.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
March 30 2011
Its currently about 6:30 and it has been very nice all day. My prediction from tomorrow was pretty accurate with temperature and cloud cover however wrong in wind direction and we never got any precipitation either. When I woke up this morning it was cold with frost on the ground because of the two opposite air masses converging. Like it has been all day, temperatures are still in the low 40s with no cloud cover. As I mentioned earlier we never got any precipitation all day as well. Winds are coming out of the northwest at a slight 3 mph because of the low pressure system that is coming. Barometric pressure has dropped slightly since yesterday, but not by much, and is now at 1030. Look for this to drop tomorrow because of the low pressure system. My prediction for tomorrow is another day like today with more cloud cover and same amount of wind in the same direction. Since it's clear again, I expect a clear night meaning a very cold morning again. I don't think that we'll see any precipitation yet however it's possible with this stationary front coming in from the west that looks like it may bring a drizzle.
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